Saya bebas.
Saturday, November 5, 2011 | 12:29 PM | 0 comments
Sebulan sudah tanpa meng-update apa-apa. Actually, Im thinking for a topic to share. Interesting one. ..And because final exam.Kini, beginilah saya :B
Dude, best gile. The exam was pretty easy and hard. So which one? Both. Hanisah is so berlagak. Hmm tak kesah lah.
Sebenarnya, frust gile T-T Science paper 2 susah. Math paper 1 agk susah. Bahasa Arab pulak, teramat susah :S Rasa nak menangis je. Org baca yg susah2, sng yg keluar. Aku pun blank terus -.- Harap2 ah straight A. Yang bahasa Arab, cool gile. Semua aku taram. Dapat A tak ni? :B Habis ah, straight A mane lah ni.
Saya sangat... TERINGIN.
Hah itu tolak tepi ah. Janji, dah habis exam. Otak gua dpt santai.YAY, no more essay to write. No more question to solve. No more objectives to be circle. Wow, tibe2 rase ayat aku mcm cool gile pulak dah.
Ok guys, my 'tipah torpedo' fingers crying to have some rest. Bye. Assalamualaikum :3
Hanisah Rusli♥